Saturday, September 17, 2016

Hello and Welcome to our first post on our new blog:  Unravel, Stitch and Mend!

We are a monthly gathering of fiber artists supporting our local NAMI by providing all kinds of opportunities to be of service and improve the mental health status of our families in Knox and Licking counties.

How did we get started?

Jo Ann and Barry took the Family to Family class taught by Vivian and Jeanne last year.  Jo Ann gave Vivian the book:  "Stitch and Bitch - The Knitter's Handbook" with page #115 marked - How to start your own Stitch & Bitch group.

So we've tried to meet the second Saturday every month this year but we've been about as organized as a soup sandwich. We used to meet at Sips but that closed. We tried the South Side Diner - don't ask!  Then Dodie said "Get it together, girls" and we asked Angie to help us so now here we are.

As I type this Angie just finished her first row of knitting!  Under Jo Ann's gentle coaching she become a true stitcher!  But I don't think she'll ever start bitchin'....  She's just too cute!

Come and join us next month at The Happy Bean, Saturday October 8th at 10 am.


  1. Yes, I would like to comment on our title, and why. Why "Unravel"? Webster gives us a couple definitions = (1) to separate or disentangle threads (as in a woven or knitted fabric); and (2) To free from complication, or difficulty; to become unraveled. This group actually started as a group in which we could come to share some of our life's issues as an outreach program of our National Alliance on Mental Illness local affiliate NAMI Knox/Licking County and a wonderful idea of one of our NAMI mother's who became involved because of a family member's mental illness -- something for which she was searching for resources, understanding, and support.
    We all know the meaning of stitch and mend. So it makes sense to me that first, when we meet once a month, we come to unravel -- we stitch (knit, crochet, quilt, whatever), and mend. Most of us join to share our unraveling problems and get ideas on how to knit them back up into the woven fabric of our lives -- beginners are most welcome and encouraged, you, too, will learn to stitch and mend.

  2. I met a lady while working the other day and I showed her an artist I'd stumbled across and she asked me to share with you all:

    Enjoy the inspiration!
